First we get the comment that Palin’s main qualification is her lack of abortions (although an apology does follow). Now we find out what the concerns are with Palin on the national stage: her presence may inspire women to have fewer abortions. Oh, the horror!

Frankly, the entire abortion debate frustrates me immensely (which is why I usually avoid it), primarily because of the dishonesty of it all. The right is constantly portrayed as wanting to overturn Roe v. Wade, and thus end abortion in the U.S. This is fundamentally dishonest: overturning that decision would merely turn it back into a state issue rather than a federal issue, which is why even many constitutional scholars who support abortion think the case was decided wrong. The other incredibly frustrating thing about the entire argument is that most Americans want some reasonable limits placed on abortion, but abortion proponents attack even the most minor limitation without scruple. They champion abortions as if they’re to be celebrated at every occurrance, when it is almost universally agreed to be a tragedy.