I have a lot of stuff to worry about right now. I’m in some graduate level classes, and I have a graduate level project to work on as well. But I can’t stop thinking about this election. I see it as hugely important, and honestly, one of my biggest frustrations is that it is so hugely important. Our government for the next four years will make decisions that are immensely important to our financial situation, especially as China and India grow their economies to our size at the same time we begin to deal with the fallout that Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid will cause.

But why are the government’s decisions so important to our economy? Why are we letting special interests, social justice advocates, and political corruption dictate tax and market rules that impede our economy in their favor? If government wasn’t so involved in the market not only would it almost certainly be growing significantly faster, who we elect to our government wouldn’t be nearly as important, as one of the major dimensions of why we elect politicians would be trivial.