By now I’m sure all of you have heard all sorts of things about what’s been going on with ACORN, but I’m still going to try to summarize everything I’ve noticed:What started all of the big ACORN headlines, of course, was the undercover video of Baltimore ACORN officials advising how to evade taxes, traffic underage girls, and set up a brothel, released on Brietbart’s new site. But of course, it didn’t stop there, as Breitbart, O’Keefe, and Giles carefully planned and released similar videos from a whole variety of other ACORN offices around the country – D.C., New York, San Bernadino, and San Diego – with a whole variety of other scandalous behaviors, and slowly timing the releases to keep the news floating in the headlines, precisely so that the media couldn’t bury the dirt on such an important Dem ally. These videos have prompted investigations into the organization that have turned up even more dirt, from illegal operations, ever more voter fraud (this time in Miami), eminent domain abuse, home loan rackateering, shady accounting, tax dodging… At the same time, one of ACORN’s closely affiliated organizations, the SEIU – responsible for so much violence, especially against peaceful conservative protesters – is having it’s own troubles, with it’s leader sentenced to 25 years, corrupt funding diversions back to ACORN

The thing is, ACORN has a long history, even from the beginning, of being an incredibly corrupt organization through and through, and getting away with it only because the media protected it and refused to report on it’s wrongdoings, or even, in many cases, investigate it. Thanks to the clever strategy of Andrew Breitbart, that’s not happening this time. The media as usual tried to hypocritically ignore the story, but is being entirely bypassed, thanks to the internet (and then trying to cover themselves in retrospect). Instead, we get the usual response that occurs when a story breaks that reflects negatively on the Dems that can’t be ignored: they go after the citizen journalists who did the job that the actual reporters aren’t doing (again with them trying to all cover themselves in retrospect).

Just how deep are Democrat’s ties to ACORN? How much is the systemic corruption in ACORN indicative of the state of the Democratic party and the liberal movement? Well, ACORN is one of the larger reasons Democrats such as Barney Frank fought tooth and nail to inflict the housing crises on us. Obama in particular has long associations and is joined at the hip to ACORNand the SEIU – and the ties and corruption still go pretty high. Heck, he was one of their trainers, and lawyers! And somehow Obama is barely aware of the ACORN scandals and hasn’t been following them closely, and kept up a defense and endorsement of ACORN on their website for quite a while, until even any mention became too politically toxic. But witness the encircling wagons, right on cue: charges from the left of racism (Racism!Nevermind the actual bigotry) and paranoia, the scrubbing, the coverup, threatened lawsuits, actual lawsuits, blocked investigations, the continued funding and support, the cauterizing and protection… And who do the Baltimore Attorneys go after? The reporters, of course! Same with the media! And besides, what’s wrong with the sex trade? Yeah, somehow Democrats think this group is worth defending. Well, they helped build it in the first place.

What’s been the fallout of all of this? Well, ACORN is *snort* investigating itself, both the House and Senate have (as is constitutional) defunded ACORN (although the NY Times still hadn’t reported it by that time) – along with Louisiana, New York, and Georgia, they’ve had funding stripped out of bills, the Census Bureau (yes, the Democrats put ACORN in charge of a lot of the census) has cut it’s ties to ACORN (because of those mean Republicans, according to the NYT), there are impending investigations in New York, Illinois, and San Deigo, and from the treasury department, they’ve cut back or suspended many of their operations, the GOP asked the IRS to cut all ties to ACORN, and it did(!), and Democrats are abandoning finally abandoning their support for the organization, even Obama. Massachusetts, however, still loves ACORN. No one is too corrupt for our state! Despite all of these negative effects, ACORN isn’t dead. And with all of these investigations the question is still open: will a special investigator be appointed considering all of Obama and the other Democrat’s ties?