Tag Archive: Security Theater

It’s all virtue signaling or security blankets. And 79% of the population is fully going along with it.

Also, another study found that masks do little in most situations, and may make people sicker.

73 unvetted employees were found with terrorism ties.

Meanwhile, given all the ridiculous things they won’t let you take on an airplane, this is somehow okay.

Shut them down, get rid of them, and have airports hire private security.

And how we should just ditch the agency.

We need to also ban plastic guns!

It’s amazing how consistently the failures of government control are given as a reason for more government control.

Useless security theater.

Hmm. “Former member of a notorious domestic terrorist group”. So what are the chances that it wasn’t Bill Ayers or some other radical leftist?

1950s ray-gun shaped belt buckles.

Lets just get rid of the agency.

Just more security theater…

What a joke.

How about they stop groping children, handicapped, and old ladies? The entire TSA model is based entirely on security theater, and not on actual security, and could be eliminated. The result would be no lines.

TSA employees who think the District of Columbia is a foreign country.

Electronic devices that have run out of battery. So no playing games while waiting for your flight, or you’ll have to give up your phone.

It’s way, way past time for us to get rid of the useless security theater apparatus that is the TSA.

Why does the TSA target women?

They’ll invoke state security to hide their errors. Even when it’s apparent it is an error.


TSA Idiocy:

A “Woody” Toy’s gun.

Former TSA Screener Comes Clean

Yeah, it’s all security theater. And the culture really is every bit as bureaucratic union thuggishness as it looks.

It’s remarkably easy to construct lethal weapons out of the items found in Airport terminal gift shops.

It’s time to ditch the entirety of our approach to airport security, including the TSA.

Detention pods. Solving another problem that doesn’t exist.

And they’re just sucking up money for security theater.

So you won’t be flying today.

Hey, you know that White House petition site that requires them to take action if a certain number of signatures get reached? Well, there was a petition to revise the TSA’s screening procedures. But just before the magic number of signatures was reached, the petition site went dark, and when it came back up the petition had expired. In other words, the Obama administration wants the TSA operating just as they are right now, spending millions of dollars to harass grandmothers and continuing their ineffective security theater.

A Helpful TSA Infographic

On just how useless and expensive they are. Abolish them TSA!