Tag Archive: Paypal

It looks like they’re trying to confine it to misleading products, but they don’t clarify it as such.

If they don’t like what you’re saying, they’ll take up to $2500.

Free speech? We can’t allow that.

The Left’s Mass De-Personing

They’re loving the Reichstag Fire moment that the Capital Riot gave them an excuse to have.

Anyone and everyone who can be connected to Trump is getting booted off of every platform they control or can pressure, but it goes beyond that. I honestly think the left looks at China’s social credit system with admiration. Here’s some of the other individuals and organizations that have little to do with Trump that are targeted for destruction and blacklisting:

But we now know this was all pre-planned by Twitter. The events at the Capital were just the convenient excuse. And of course, if you were an organization or individual that is definitely tied to Trump, it goes without saying that you have to be removed:

Altogether, it’s disturbing enough that international leaders not usually known for being bulwarks for freedom – such as Germany’s Angela Merkel or Mexico’s Andrés Manuel López Obrador – are speaking up about how disturbing this is. The ACLU is concerned – and they’ve been pretty left leaning the last few decades.

And of course the hypocrisy is blatant – not only was most of the protest pre-planned on Facebook and Twitter – and not on Parler, but it’s clear that they don’t mind threats of violence, violent rhetoric, and blatant racism on their platforms, it’s only conservative views they dislike. They even block accounts that simply quote Democrats back to their faces. Oh, and Twitter will openly decry censorship in Uganda while they take all these actions.

Joe Toscano, one of the main personas in The Social Dilemma thinks this is the beginning of the end of the social media giants. We can hope so. And maybe truly decentralized networks, where users own their content – such as Gab – will take over.

The Paypal Mafia. I didn’t realize some of those others were also connected to Paypal – and just about every other recent software company that’s made headlines.

Here’s another interesting article about Peter Thiel, who thinks that technology advancement outside of Information Technology has been slowing down. I’m not in disagreement – it’d be lovely to see the promises of Nuclear Energy and Aviation technologies resume the pace they had been at before the 70s.

Excellent! And they’ll be using it to establish an office park outside of San Francisco which flies under a different flag. Depending on the flag, one can imagine all sorts of uses for that piece of real estate.

Pam Geller, of Atlas Shrugged, is doing so. Paypal banned her as a “hate” site, even though they haven’t penalized Revolutionary Muslim, the site that called for the deaths of the South Park creators.