Tag Archive: Amazon

Direct evidence from Facebook, Amazon, and Youtube.

Much of the censored content was even recognized by the companies as obvious satire and humor.

Anything counter to the Covid narrative.

This is an interesting story…

This is hilarious.

Elizabeth Warren, Book Censor

Fauxcahontas has been trying to get Amazon to censor books for “misinformation”.

The Stupidly Politicized Pandemic

The record one-day drop in hospitalizations was inauguration day? I’m not buying it. But meanwhile, Biden is now saying that rather than “crushing the virus”, there’s nothing his administration can do differently to change its course. Suckers. But now suddenly Americans think that the government is doing a good job – with policies that were the Trump administration’s.

Lefty locations that are now deciding it’s safe to reopen: Boston, Chicago and the rest of Illinois, Michigan, New York, D.C., Baltimore, and of course California – oh, but don’t ask to see the data they used to justify any of these decisions. All hail the reopening!

Other stupidly political things:

The Left’s Mass De-Personing

They’re loving the Reichstag Fire moment that the Capital Riot gave them an excuse to have.

Anyone and everyone who can be connected to Trump is getting booted off of every platform they control or can pressure, but it goes beyond that. I honestly think the left looks at China’s social credit system with admiration. Here’s some of the other individuals and organizations that have little to do with Trump that are targeted for destruction and blacklisting:

But we now know this was all pre-planned by Twitter. The events at the Capital were just the convenient excuse. And of course, if you were an organization or individual that is definitely tied to Trump, it goes without saying that you have to be removed:

Altogether, it’s disturbing enough that international leaders not usually known for being bulwarks for freedom – such as Germany’s Angela Merkel or Mexico’s Andrés Manuel López Obrador – are speaking up about how disturbing this is. The ACLU is concerned – and they’ve been pretty left leaning the last few decades.

And of course the hypocrisy is blatant – not only was most of the protest pre-planned on Facebook and Twitter – and not on Parler, but it’s clear that they don’t mind threats of violence, violent rhetoric, and blatant racism on their platforms, it’s only conservative views they dislike. They even block accounts that simply quote Democrats back to their faces. Oh, and Twitter will openly decry censorship in Uganda while they take all these actions.

Joe Toscano, one of the main personas in The Social Dilemma thinks this is the beginning of the end of the social media giants. We can hope so. And maybe truly decentralized networks, where users own their content – such as Gab – will take over.

Shelby Steele made a documentary, “What Killed Michael Brown?”, investigating the entire situation. His documentary doesn’t go along with the narrative that BLM wants to tell – and so Amazon won’t let him put it on Amazon Prime.

But only by cutting out the bonuses that the hardest workers earn.

Increasing the minimum wage and all the other socialist ideas out there are explicitly designed to incentivize mediocrity (or bureaucratic graft, which is even worse).

Where the laws are a bit more flexible for it.

Never seem to mention that they’re owned by Jeff Bezos, who made $16.5 Billion last year.

Very neat. What a great way to let people earn cash on the side.



Typical Democrat logic: when businesses (or governments!) find ways to be competitive and better for individuals than the society imposed by Democrats, the solution isn’t to find ways to lighten the load, but ways to hurt those competing businesses.

Amazon soon may have to collect Massachusetts state sales tax on residents, because it will have a physical presence in the state. Essentially, this gives Massachusetts reach throughout Amazon’s entire corporation, as long as the customer is a Massachusetts resident. It’s not too dissimilar from how Massachusetts would really, really like you to declare everything you’ve purchased in other states so that they can tax those, too. No. The only system that makes sense is to declare a point of sale associated with a specific location (the warehouse that Amazon will be supplying you from, perhaps), and apply the appropriate taxes from that location. And Massachusetts residents like myself can go shop in NH and bring back items without declaring them until the state realizes that taxes are a competitive marketplace, and stops whining because it’s too fat and corrupt to compete effectively.

Amazon. It *gasp* doesn’t want to collect sales taxes on behalf of Liberal administrations!