Tag Archive: The Koch Brothers

Liberals don’t want to get money out of politics, they just want to get conservative money out of politics.

Of course, if you knew where the Koch brothers rank on the list of political donors, you’d have already realized that.

What Democrats always mean when they complain about too much money in politics: their opponents have too much money.

Example #1: the Koch brothers’ spending is behind that of 58 unions.

This from the guy who says that some billionaire donations are good, some bad, entirely depending on what politics they support.

Why do I think that the 58 larger donors than the Koch brothers wouldn’t be cut out?

Including Biden, Obama, Schumer, Hillary Clinton…

Because of the Koch brothers, somehow.

Those Evil Koch Brothers

Actually only the 59th largest political donors. But they’re conservative, and so more evil than the other 58.

But being a member of the media means never apologizing for your blatant lies.

Liberal Examples Of Tolerance

The latest Boston edition.

Tell me, was there anyone Bush singled out the way Obama keeps on singling out the Koch brothers?

A list compiled by Nick Gillespie. Now we know why the left hates them so much.