Tag Archive: MSNBC

Heidi Przybyla of MSNBC just explained that what differentiates those scary Christian Nationalists from regular Christians is the belief that rights don’t come from Congress or the Supreme Court but actually come from God. You know, like the self-evident truths in the Declaration of Independence declare.

Matt Taibbi and his reporters tried to tally the lies MSNBC told as uncovered by the Twitter Files…and there’s just too many.

All further interviews are denied until the blatant lies are rescinded.

This is how it should be done.

See, this sort of attitude is why we can’t declare amnesty over the pandemic.

And MSNBC has been kicked out of the courtroom. And the reporter has been arrested.

They’re pushing editorial content that’s just for the ratings.

Virtue signaling in the extreme.

They want millions to suffer just so they can gain political power.

White males the biggest threat to Americans.

What Venezuelans aren’t starving in the streets are actively fighting the socialist dictatorship and it’s death squads, while it rewrites the constitution.

Opposition leaders are being arrested and then disappearing from prison.

After seizing assets such as the oil industry and General Motors plants, the country is now dirt poor, once the richest on its continent.

Particularly deranged liberals such as Rachel Maddow are trying to allude that Venezuelans are upset about Trump. The rest of the left is avoiding mentioning the word “socialism”, and trying to pretend that they didn’t praise Chavez’ actions all those years ago. Bernie Sanders still lists Venezuela as a model to follow.

Gee, how could they ever have picked up that attitude?

MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry recently stopped some of her guests from using the term “hard-work”, because she feels that the term is offensive to slaves.

Mike Rowe had a thing or two to say about that, with his usual grace.

Media Sycophants

Keith Olbermann apologized to Clinton during his administration for his network’s harsh coverage.

Clearly an upstanding member of the fourth estate who believes journalists are responsible for keeping government clean.

Every show on MSNBC beaten by reruns of “Shark Tank”.

MSNBC is paying Chelsea Clinton to stay off-air.

MSNBC’s Cinca de Mayo racist display.

Fracking is apparently something racists and cronies do, and pollution is yet another way the man is keeping black Americans down.

Yet more lunacy to try to shape the narrative such that the left doesn’t even have to listen to the arguments of the other side, because they’re too racist and offensive.

In defending Thomas Piketty, they explain Animal Farm as a parable about income inequality.

And then in the next breath praising Bloomberg’s anti-gun measures.

And I bet they focus on the Koch brothers whenever they talk about money in politics, even though they’re close to #50, with the other 49 spots above them being filled with unions and other lefty donors.

Wow. Of course, he doesn’t seem to mind the other conservative targeting that MSNBC engages in.