Tag Archive: Minimum Wage

This is the world that our unsound currency has created.

And I’ve seen it pointed out that when minimum wage was created, the minimum wage was $1.25 – five quarters worth. Which today you could melt down for $20 worth of silver. We don’t need to raise the minimum wage, we need government to stop stealing the wealth from our currency.

Hilarious except that they still try and make public policy off of reasoning like this:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez astonished at the price of croissants at LaGuardia, claims that if we can afford those, we can afford $15 minimum wage.

Of course, one of the reasons LaGuardia’s croissants are so expensive is because that’s the minimum wage the workers there are already paid.

He’s “caving” to the protestors, and trying to solve the fact that everything is too expensive not by lowering taxes but by raising the minimum wage.

So now everything will be more expensive – or the jobs will simply disappear.

But only by cutting out the bonuses that the hardest workers earn.

Increasing the minimum wage and all the other socialist ideas out there are explicitly designed to incentivize mediocrity (or bureaucratic graft, which is even worse).

The true minimum wage is always zero, surprise surprise.

A $15 minimum wage will be devastating.

The true minimum wage is always $0

Good for them. Unless the government stops printing money, a basic income just means everyone is poorer. That’s the thing about “free” that none of the Bernie supporters seem to be able to understand.

On a related note, Switzerland has no minimum wage, and one of the lowest unemployment rates in Europe.

Berkeley fires hundreds of staff after $15 minimum wage that they touted goes into effect.

Sounds like it’s time to stay silent about it or blame the tea party again.

But that won’t stop the calls for it.

The unions that pushed for it got an exemption for their own employees.

He issues warnings to corporations not to produce products overseas from a smartphone, produced overseas. And it’s made overseas because labor in the U.S. is already too expensive, and Sanders wants a $15 minimum wage.

In real time!

It’s a leftist professor realize they can’t pay their undergrads at the new $15/hour minimum wage that California’s imposing.

This is what a $15 an hour minimum wage job looks like. And also this.

Well, at least it will be a blatant example of how that kicks the bottom out of the economy. Which I’m sure they’ll chalk up to “bad luck”. Do you know what a $15-an-hour McDonald’s burger flipper looks like?

Who could have seen that coming?

Certainly almost no one in San Francisco.

As It Was Predicted To:

The 2007 minimum wage increase made the recession and unemployment worse.

Typical hypocrisy.

Laying off as much as a third of workers.

Like the automatic cashier machines getting deployed at all the fast food chains.

Although to be fair, it’s not just the minimum wage, but things like insurance mandates, and even just additional paperwork.