Tag Archive: Green Energy

This has been evidently true with nuclear for a while, but even other forms of “green” energy are held up by environmentalists not letting us mine the materials we need for the technologies they supposedly want us to use.

Yes, The Pain Is Intentional

And sometimes they let that slip.

Not just onesy-twosy, they’re causing significant population decline.

That green energy initiative…isn’t going so well.

Of course, the form of energy that Germany got rid of – nuclear – meets every criteria that greenies have for energy, except for making the little people suffer.

Providing all of 0.0015 the electricity the tower needs.

Another Green Energy Boondoggle:

Ivanpah is seeking a government grant to pay off a government loan, a move that would basically be government money into crony hands at Google and NRG.

Thanks to silly green-energy policies ran amok.

80% went to top Democrat donors.

Like the stimulus, it was clearly always an excuse to pay out money for cronies. If Democrat supporters- like Krugman- really believe government investing should be used to help the economy, they need to come up with a corruption free way to do it.

$139 Million. All in all, one of their better investments.

Good for him.

Meanwhile, here in the states, another Obama chosen green company has gone belly up, and we’re still on the hook for $168 million from Fisker Automotive.

That instead went to political kickbacks.

Why are there 14,000 abandoned wind turbines in the U.S.?

Wow. Maybe at funneling money in closed door meetings to cronies and Democrat bundlers. Not so much at making commercially successful companies.

Europe’s green energy policies are resulting in more coal and wood burning. You can’t fight economics, and economics is green. It’s only silly luxuries like Solar that aren’t.

Meanwhile: Texas, by embracing what makes economic sense, is becoming the green energy paragon.

They’ve realized that maybe funding un-economic industries doesn’t make sense when you’re as broke as they are.

With $50 Million of our money. And it was headed by yet another of Obama’s major fundraisers. It’s almost like this is indicative of something, but what?

Fisker Automotive.

Remember, when Democrats talk about green investments, they mean giving your money to companies they like.

Yeah, it’s received a whole bunch of taxpayer money and has yet to produce any batteries. Sounds like Obama’s favorite type of green energy company.

Yet more taxpayer money the stimulus absolutely wasted.

It’s not like were strapped for cash currently or anything.

And imagine how little government “investment” green energy would need if it were actually profitable.