Tag Archive: Illinois

Oh Look, Vote Fraud In Chicago

Just another myth, I’m sure.

27 Illinois Counties Want Out

State secession would be a beautiful thing.

A significant percentage of Maricopa County voting machines are failing. Of course. And 25% of their ballots were “misread”. The misread ballots “will be counted downtown”. Uh huh. Mesa Arizona is also experiencing problems. Voters in Arizona should stay where they are and wait it out, and it seems like there are actually election monitors this year. And there are huge lines. Katie Hobbs should have recused herself, and Kari Lake is promising a reckoning.

Texas is also seeing machines down, all voting machines in Mercer County, New Jersey are down.

Champaign County, Illinois, is claiming to be under cyber attack.

Michigan Republicans are being told their votes have already been cast in Detroit. Michigan election watchers also recorded suspicious activity last night.

Luzerne County, Pennsylvania ran out of ballots before noon.

All security features were turned off in certain Georgia machines.

Illinois has red flag laws, and they utterly failed to stop the Highland Park shooting, even though he pretty much met every criteria of them.

From Illinois.

Because of course.

No, could such a thing be?

This map is ridiculous.

At least for one mother in Chicago.

The next step.

The Stupidly Politicized Pandemic

The record one-day drop in hospitalizations was inauguration day? I’m not buying it. But meanwhile, Biden is now saying that rather than “crushing the virus”, there’s nothing his administration can do differently to change its course. Suckers. But now suddenly Americans think that the government is doing a good job – with policies that were the Trump administration’s.

Lefty locations that are now deciding it’s safe to reopen: Boston, Chicago and the rest of Illinois, Michigan, New York, D.C., Baltimore, and of course California – oh, but don’t ask to see the data they used to justify any of these decisions. All hail the reopening!

Other stupidly political things:

That is not something that should be allowed.

By rewording how it appears on the ballot.

Strange and suspicious.

But remember, the left insists that vote fraud is a myth.

The end game of the circle of corruption between public workers and politicians.

He jumped in on the last day of registration in a district that was otherwise unopposed.

He sounds like the type of character that everyone should denounce.

Warning issued that Illinois DOT won’t be able to pay contractors past June 30th.

It’s the blue model of government.

Democrat candidate gets bottle smashed on head and staple in forehead.

It’s almost like they think they should be above the rest of us.

That’s going to be a court case.