Tag Archive: Chicago

Oh Look, Vote Fraud In Chicago

Just another myth, I’m sure.

One reporter gets a tiny bit of justice by winning the lottery to speak to Lori Lightfoot even after his press credentials were revoked.

Blatantly criminal.



At least occasionally…

You’re not supposed to say “New World Order” by name…

Trying to grow up in Chicago.

So…that’s going to go well…

The Stupidly Politicized Pandemic

The record one-day drop in hospitalizations was inauguration day? I’m not buying it. But meanwhile, Biden is now saying that rather than “crushing the virus”, there’s nothing his administration can do differently to change its course. Suckers. But now suddenly Americans think that the government is doing a good job – with policies that were the Trump administration’s.

Lefty locations that are now deciding it’s safe to reopen: Boston, Chicago and the rest of Illinois, Michigan, New York, D.C., Baltimore, and of course California – oh, but don’t ask to see the data they used to justify any of these decisions. All hail the reopening!

Other stupidly political things:


Although honestly I doubt any contract gets awarded in Chicago without a few palms getting greased.

That is not something that should be allowed.

Somehow Chicago spent $66 million on a hospital that ended up treating only 38 patients…where did the rest of the money go?

You all have to stay home, but she can go out for a haircut.

So this guy can just walk free?

Maybe the problem with gun violence in Chicago has more to do with ridiculous government ineffectiveness than the presence or lack of gun control laws.

It’s a loser. If only someone who wasn’t a bigot could understand economics, right?

Here’s a suggestion: maybe they wouldn’t have that perception if they didn’t have the highest crime rates in the country?

And maybe they wouldn’t have the highest crime rates if they didn’t have the strictest gun control…

Democrats in Chicago acting as the “Republican” judge to make sure everything was fair.

Increase regulations to the point where it shuts down all the gun stores and keeps guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens, watch the violence rates soar (perhaps spurred on a little bit by political initiatives), and then bring in Federal law enforcement for increased consolidation of power.