Tag Archive: Baltimore

But it was the most safe and secure election ever.

Taxes and fees to the city will be placed in escrow until their demands are met:

These demands are as simple as they are vital to our community’s future: Ask police to do their job,
stop illegal alcohol and drug sales on the streets, enforce basic traffic and parking laws, and pick up
the trash. Frankly, it is pathetic that we have to beg for these basics. But this is where we are.

The Stupidly Politicized Pandemic

The record one-day drop in hospitalizations was inauguration day? I’m not buying it. But meanwhile, Biden is now saying that rather than “crushing the virus”, there’s nothing his administration can do differently to change its course. Suckers. But now suddenly Americans think that the government is doing a good job – with policies that were the Trump administration’s.

Lefty locations that are now deciding it’s safe to reopen: Boston, Chicago and the rest of Illinois, Michigan, New York, D.C., Baltimore, and of course California – oh, but don’t ask to see the data they used to justify any of these decisions. All hail the reopening!

Other stupidly political things:

It’s an excellent campaign video.

Two vans packed with about 1600 gallons of gas total have been found…

Picking up trash that’s 20 years old that the city hasn’t had the management to clean up.

Neat stuff.

It was an accident. But that didn’t stop the race baiters.

Baltimore State Attorney Marilyn Mosby is trying to block the release of the details of the autopsy report of Freddie Gray.

A Few Words About Baltimore

But it’s not racial in nature. Because they’re unionized, there’s less accountability.

Don’t expect to see the media discuss this very much.

It’s never about truth, but about the agenda.

Is there any doubt that Obama is one of the politicians fanning the flames of racial outrage for his own purposes?

It’s a city that’s been controlled and run by Democrats for decades, and the rioters overwhelmingly vote Democrat.

3 Black, 3 White, and one of them is female. Which would further explain why the media has been quiet on who the officers were – it doesn’t feed the narrative of racism.

The Vote Fraud Issue

How many elections will Democrats steal tomorrow? There are already reports (and video) of machines in Chicago and Baltimore that switch Republican votes to Democrat – even when the Republican candidates in question try to vote for themselves. These are of course “calibration errors”. In an era when we have devices in our pockets that can communicate around the world. There are also Democrats in Colorado posing as Republican election officials.

Meanwhile, O’Keefe has released videos showing Colorado’s Mark Udall supporters encouraging vote fraud, the ease with which fraudulent ballots can be obtained in North Carolina, and Democrats in North Carolina helping people obtain fraudulent ballots.

Even the Washington Post is realizing that Vote Fraud, far from being just a figment of Republicans’ imaginations, is a real and serious issue, with 14% of non-citizens claiming to be registered to vote, 6.4% likely having voted in 2008, and likely the races of Al Franken in Minnesota and Obama in North Carolina of 2008 having been decided by non-citizens. There is of course citizen-perpetrated vote fraud as well. And that is precisely the reason Eric Holder’s Justice Department spent so much time and energy fighting voter ID. In fact, just a random statistical trial of close races points to Democrat voter fraud, while massive non-citizen voting is being uncovered in Maryland and La Raza is distributing guides to where IDs aren’t needed for voting. And the Democrat examples of voter intimidation this year include a woman who was “intimidated” by the police officers finding out she’d been driving without an in-state license for more than the legally allowed time.

The real racism is that Democrats apparently don’t think minorities are as capable of obtaining voter IDs as white people.

The War On Photography

Many cops don’t think you have or deserve any rights.

Name him, shame him, and fire him.

They just arrest them for loitering instead.

Just another tale of the sorts of freedoms liberal politicians grant in the areas they run.

And no surprise, it’s a Democrat. Amazing how that keeps on happening…

What do all of these have in common? They’re all bankrupt, mismanaged, unemployed, falling apart, and long term examples of Democratic political management. This is what they want America to look like politically, and therefore physically, as well.

But of course they’ll blame anything and everything else.