Tag Archive: Gun Control

More gun control!

I don’t need to have numbers

Kathy Hochul

That’s because the numbers aren’t on her side.

So the problem is gun control, right?


Massachusetts passed gun control laws 6 years ago, with little discernible impact on violent crime.

They’ve been trying to get gun control via health care for ages. This is the latest push.

But the data is clear that guns save lives. It’s just not the data they’ll look at.

The bureaucrats are losing their ability to dictate what others do, so they’re of course doubling down on their attempts to do so.


So, everyone who purchased a gun this year: Biden is planning on coming for them.

That’s awful. But it also highlights that gun control doesn’t stop deranged killers.


Despite everything the media and Democrats claim, you can’t buy guns online or without a background check.

Texas Gun control activist shoots her children.

About Mass Shootings

I’ll probably talk about the killers’ motives later on, but I want to point out that talking about gun control to prevent mass shootings is like talking about banning flying to prevent airplane crashes to make travel safer. Airplane crashes are dramatic, but airplanes are still the safest way to travel, and banning them would mean more car travel and hence more less dramatic car crashes.

Defensive gun use happens hundreds of times a year, saving who knows how many lives, and mass shootings are a statistically negligible percentage of deaths each year.

Also, the U.S. does not lead the world in mass shootings.

A pretty good summary here. Her side has been seeking a reason to ban guns for a while, and this was the chance.

This one performed by Johns Hopkins.

Her own staffers admit she’s far left but hides it to try and appear moderate to the voters, and that she’s very pro-choice and receives funds from Planned Parenthood, but through indirect means – again to hide it from the voters.

Outstanding work from O’Keefe’s organization, as always.

And her response to having her agenda exposed? Calls to investigate O’Keefe.

She realizes that all of the left’s talking points wouldn’t actually do anything to solve the problems they use to justify their policies.


At least, to them. So now let’s count down how quickly it takes the times to call for these same laws next time there’s a mass shooting.

One has to suspect this is more about domestic gun control than the sort of foreign policy interests the State Department is supposed to care about.
