Tag Archive: Teachers

Which is why they try and hide it from the public.

Good. It went beyond discussion, she was having them design and draw the gender flag that they felt best represented them.

See, this is the type of thing that gives rise to the “conspiracy theories” that the government is run by a cabal of pedos.

See, this sort of trashy action is how you get the “conspiracy theories” that the elites are just high level pedo rings.

Those kids need to get a union. Of course the latest science continues to reiterate that kids shouldn’t even have to wear masks.

Good for her. And I suspect she won’t have trouble finding employment.

Almost like the whole “school was too dangerous for us to return to” thing was purely about politics and laziness.

They actively think they should encourage “progressive rebellion”.

Please bring back tar-and-feathering.

A New York judge just threw out a Teacher’s Entrance exam because too many minorities were flunking it.

So New York will have worse teachers, but at least we can all pat ourselves on the back for being pro-diversity. And you wonder why the U.S. keeps on sinking in educational standing.

As a Texas kid is suspended for threatening a classmate with the power of the one ring.

Pediphilia? Of course not. Threatening a killing spree will do it though. But only after a lengthy court case.

Political Indoctrination:

D.C. School teacher made students compare Bush and Hitler.

Suddenly good teachers can earn millions of dollars.

When unions complain about teacher pay it’s never about actually paying the good teachers, it’s always about leeching more money off the public.

Public employees receive 30% more than private sector workers….unless you include their retirement packages, in which case it’s more than double.

Idiotic Teachers:

Following fire drill policy so strictly they force wet, swimsuit-clad students out of the pool straight outside, in winter.

This is why they always protest so much at the idea of abstinence. It’s the exact opposite of their goals.

Was the oversight deliberate?

Knowing teachers, I would guess yes.

Since we already spend more per student than any other nation, yet continue to fail.

A teenager who faces a year in prison for wearing an NRA t-shirt.