Archive for June, 2009

This is something that should have happened years ago.

By Neal Boortz.

Again, why was Obama on the side he chose?

There is much to be said about the transition of responsibility occurring today in Iraq, but the most important thing is congratulations to our soldiers, and thank you.

pssh, what patriotism is there to question?

And we’re supposed to think she’s a good nominee, and not a judicial activist?

Why did Obama interfere in the recent Honduras fracas but doesn’t want to get involved in Iran? Why is he entirely on the wrong side in both situations?

It’s at least a little bit scary to see which side of Democracy and freedom Obama stands for.

Another shocking rape case comes from Duke University, but the media doesn’t seem so interested in covering this one for some reason. Why? I mean, this one actually happened, for one thing.

Is it dying down? Or rather, being killed? Interesting to see Iranian embassies being sieged…that must be a bit of a turnabout for them.

Of course, that’s not going to stop them from committing their own diplomatic infractions

What Fannie and Freddie have done for mortgages?

As proposed and currently being enacted by the Democrats.

How many times and examples through the history of the world do we have to point out that the economic jealousy, high tax, high regulation policies Liberals espouse simply do not work? How many times will American voters fall for those policies “only raising taxes on the 5% of Americans earning more than $250,000” until they start to take an enlightened self interested view of things? Because politicians (especially Democrats eager to pander to every minority and socio-economic group in existence except white upper/middle class males) will continue to exploit that jealousy at the ballot box, at the expense of all of us until the American public does wake up.

Yeah, it’s a bit lacking.

Depending on the reasoning for this decision, I might be giving Obama major props for this choice. He nominated a woman as the “Muslim Czar”. Is he, unlike so many others on the left, actually making a stand for the basic rights and freedoms of the largest systematically oppressed group in the middle east? If so, Kudos. On the other hand, is she going to adhere to the cultural norms, and try and negotiate from behind a burka? If so, I don’t see how she can be very effective. We’ll see…

I’ll Second That Sentiment

Republicans don’t need to find the next personality to lead the party. That’ll happen naturally, and they’ll regain power if they’ll recommit themselves to Federalism, and stick to it even when the going gets tough.

And he didn’t!

The rock bottom lobster prices currently being discussed actually have little to do with the current economy and everything to do with the successful conservation tactics of New England lobstermen, who are now catching bumper crops.

Remember, lobster used to be such a cheap catch that it was fed to prisoners on a daily basis.

I mean, cool technology, but it sure seems like we could find something more…fun…to do with the motor. Or at least get Adam Savage to stick his lip in it.

Waxman-Markey just passed the House. Can it be stopped in the Senate?

A bill that forces members of congress to give constitutional justification for all their legislation? Not a snowball’s chance…

The Democrats just put a Congressional Black Caucus member in charge of investigating the Congressional Black Caucus. Why do I get the impression that the Democrats don’t really want the investigation to find or stop anything?

As Congress mulls over the biggest tax in the history of the U.S. (strangely, that mulling doesn’t include actually reading the bill), here are some things to consider:

And on a related note, here’s a study which points out that electric cars do not decrease greenhouse emissions. They just change where they come from, to power plants rather than the vehicles. Not to mention that batteries can’t be made or disposed of very cleanly.