Tag Archive: Chuck Schumer

By his own words.

They don’t want schools safer, they want to seize guns. Schumer celebrates when he blocks cops from being in schools – and Biden is against that as well, along with other things that could harden schools. In fact, Democrats are trying to get cops pulled out of schools where they are stationed. And trying to get rid of reporting on potentially dangerous students.

And meanwhile the media is lying about all of it.

They party! Both Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. And also only the plebs are masked.

The Whole Syria Situation

While I do think the seeming abruptness of the decision isn’t the best foreign policy move, I’m with the minority here (that includes Rand Paul and Tulsi Gabbard), in that I don’t think we should be in Syria. I say minority only because if Democrats (and probably Republicans) don’t know know it’s Trump saying it, they agree with pulling out.

  • Congress never declared war. What are we doing there? Is this another of Obama’s “kinetic military action”?
  • What’s our mission? How is us being in Syria any different to the mission-less morass that we were involved in with Vietnam?

That being said, there are some other key points and questions that everyone outraged by the Syria withdrawal should consider:

Now in implementing the decision, we’ve suddenly seen that good, old-fashioned diplomacy is actually able to accomplish a lot of the things that hadn’t been moving in a while: First, Turkey agreed to a cease fire period to give the Kurds time to withdraw, but more importantly we now have a permanent cease-fire deal, and the Kurdish commanders are thanking President Trump.

One final thought: Pelosi and Schumer traveling to Jordan to meet about everything going on in Syria sure seems like a blatant violation of the Logan Act…

In coordination with Chuck Schumer’s office.

A lot of the left didn’t realize they were supposed to be outraged until they heard the signal.

Maxine Waters is angry because firing Comey was supposed to be Hillary’s job.

John Podesta managed to switch from advocate to angry within 7 hours.

Chuck Schumer also seems to be suffering from whiplash.

The New York Times didn’t mind when Bill Clinton did the same thing.

He made a deal to let it through and then took it back after receiving his part of the deal.

Slimy cowardice.

Getting called out by The Tablet.Of course, his antisemitism was pointed out by conservatives before he even got his first presidency.

Greek Yogurt Corruption

Senator Chuck Schumer arranged for school lunches to include this product for Chobani’s sake.