Tag Archive: The FAA

Look no further than the FAA.

The FAA is requiring all sorts of other government agencies to also approve of the Starship launch.

The nine who voted to allow Pete Buttigieg to keep his use of taxpayer-funded flights private.

The 83 who voted against reinstating unvaxxed pilots.

Almost like there’s something affecting all of them suddenly…

The Status Of SpaceX’ Starship

Despite all of the engineering progress, there seems to be an array of regulatory agencies blocking progress.

Wired has a pretty balanced (surprisingly, these days) summary of the situation. Basically, if it’s done right it can really help things out, but there’s a lot of fine details that could be missed that could exacerbate the mess.

No Uber of the skies, and no good reason why, other than the FAA not liking the idea. Their logic is that it’s okay to share a flight with friends, but not if you have thousands of friends.

Testimony given to Congress. There’s a right way and a wrong way currently being considered.

This is something that a lot of countries (most notably Canada and New Zealand) have done in the past few years, with great results, so there are great models for us to follow.


Ridesharing The skies

Also opposed by government and the cartels.

Is there any obsolete way of doing business that government isn’t trying to protect?

So why is he sending the workers on furlough?

There’s only one answer.

So they caved.

They would be much more credible in any of this stuff if they actually legislated – but they’ve realized that their ideals are so out of whack with the rest of America that letting Americans read their bills is the one thing they can’t do.

The senate won’t pass a bill for their funding, because Democrats won’t agree to end a program that was supposed to be temporary when it was created in 1978, and won’t pass a short term funding bill.