Archive for November, 2009

Invented for energy efficiency, but adapted for fashion?

The creator of the “Hockey Stick” graph.

Also: The IPCC too politicized to survive.

I concur with this:

what angers me is when they and their defenders accuse me of being “anti-science” … when it is they who abandoned science, even if they don’t realize it.

The question is, did the GOP lose it’s way?

Most of the liberals I know (and I live in Massachusetts) primarily demonize Republicans for the agenda of the socially conservative branch of the party. At the same time, most people that I know are disgusted with the spending and corruption of our large federal bureaucracy. If the GOP really wants to recover, it needs to drop all socially conservative agenda items that aren’t in line with the libertarian’s views, and focus on aspects of limited, clean, responsible, and (preferably) smart government.

Instapundit is pointing to a climate scientist who’s suggesting they should open their data and models.

Well, yes. Science is supposed to be open, in fact. But global warming couldn’t stand up to examination.

Completely fudged.

To a private system. Kind of like we have now. Maybe because they’re killing hundreds of patients due to mismanagement?

Of course our (Not socialist, remember!) commander-in-chief and his amazing array of Marxist friends are ever more eager for government to run things…

*except of course funnel money to every Democratic interest in the country.

But Americans got nothing out of it. So what does she want? Another one!

Now enveloping the science czar, who utterly rejects it.

Face it, global warming was fraud all along – closed “science” that refused to open up its models to scientific critique, slandered oppositional scientists and their studies, and tried to claim correctness by polling scientists, in other words, politically, rather than logically.

For the Israelis to “prove themselves” to the Palestinians.

And that’s worked how many times before when the Israelis have done it? Oh, that’s right, zero.

Throwing out food for the homeless because it’s not the type of food the politicians want people eating…

Hint: It’s not Christianity, and it’s not Judaism.

Remember: Political Correctness means only celebrating religions when they’re not Judeo-Christian, which are of course offensive.

Now what cultural trait could they be sharing that causes that violence throughout those countries…?

There’s a bit of a catch, but they may have figured it out.

Instapundit points out why the politicians don’t tackle healthcare reform through a series of targeted, much more sensible bills.

The War On Reason

Coming from the left. Junk science, junk economics, and corrupt, fascist politics – all for the sake of more political power and control.

Climaquiddick is just one of the many travesties we’ve seen from progressive politics in an attempt to control society as they wish.

As the scandal envelops more and more scientific bodies, and we pretty much find out that the entirety of global warming is a hoax, the media, Democrats, and the rest of the environmental left continue to ignore the story, pretend it doesn’t exist, and push to use Global Warming to remake society as they would like – just as I (and pretty much everyone else on the right) predicted several days ago.

This time it’s not working. Just like the big exposure of corruption at the heart of ACORN and the Democratic party, this story has legs, and informed readers aren’t letting it die down. The more the left ignores it, the sillier they end up looking. Truth and sunshine really are the best disinfectants.

There’s just a few things that Democrats are saying that don’t quite make sense.

And quite a bit that I wouldn’t trust them on.

Whoops, I mean, stands up for government to trample the little guy.

He’s all about digital rights, transparency,  and freedom.

They’re either at your feet or at your throat.

Let me stick a finger down my throat and I’ll tell you. What an ethical administration.

Oh, and two gate crashers. Way-to-go for the ultimate party crash!